This month features my "Starry Nights" quilt from Threadbare-Issue Three. At the moment its cold, wet and miserable in our corner of the world but there is a beauty to this time of year. Life is slower and we spend more time at home, filling our bodies with warming comfort food and keeping ourselves busy, reading, crocheting, sewing, watching movies and playing board games.
The city is littered with the remains of Autumn; beautiful coloured leaves lying beneath bare trees which will hibernate till the first signs of spring.
Homemade soups are an integral part of winter for us. We can and do, live on these hearty bowls of goodness, attempting to strengthen our bodies and fight off all the "nasties" that are floating around this time of year:
(Roasted cauliflower and onion soup with garlic and herb croutons)
This months quote, is just a little reminder to see the beauty and appreciate all the little things in life. Be thankful for where you are right now and celebrate all that life has to offer.To download and print your free June calendar, just visit HERE.
I'll be back soon with a preview of what's coming up in the fourth ezine and also a free pattern for something useful during these cold winter months :)

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