It took me just under six weeks to complete, and it grew quite quickly. I managed to crochet a few rows every night while watching seasons of "Game of Thrones" (I'm a new fan!).
It was great to know I was part of a community of people, crocheting the same project and I have seen so many lovely colour combinations on social media, plus some very pretty variations to the finished borders.
The pattern is very easy to follow and really fun to crochet. I chose my own colours and tried to keep my combinations as close to the original as I could. I did make a slight change to the border colours because I was running low on wool and wanted to use what I had on hand.
If your looking for a new pattern, have a look at Attic 24, she has some great projects, With this recent finish, I have to chose something new to put on the hook and I've found a lovely Hobo bag pattern which I'm considering; I think it will challenge my ability to read patterns but it looks fun. I'll keep you posted :)

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