Custard Creams

Looking for a delicious melt in your mouth biscuit to go with you morning coffee? Try these Custard Creams - a homemade version of the classic British biscuit!

Hubby is home on summer holidays, which means I'm constantly baking snacks for road trips and morning and afternoon tea. One of his favorites are Custard Creams because they remind him of time spent with his grandfather.

These cookies are a homemade take on the classic British Custard Cream Biscuits and they're quick and easy to bake, and so much better than any store brought biscuit.

Custard Creams are buttery soft, and one of the most delicious melt in your mouth cookies you'll ever bake. Custard powder is added to the dough, adding sweetness and flavour and elevating this cookie to one of the best.

The biscuits are sandwiched together with a simple buttercream and my recipe makes around ten sandwiched Custard Creams or twenty single biscuits - they're delicious with or without the buttercream.

Hubby's grandfather would enjoy these biscuits with a cup of strong black tea, and hubby does as well. Food holds strong memories of our childhoods, and you can only recreate those moments if you bake them yourself - supermarket biscuits just don't cut it anymore! 

I love taking him down memory lane with food. He has so many wonderful stories to tell about the important people in his life growing up, and since I never had the chance to meet them, I feel like I know them anyway.

You require six basic pantry ingredients to bake a batch of these Custard Creams, and I use a 2" fluted round cookie cutter to cut them out and then stamp them with my 100% Home Made cookie stamp - a subtle reminder to hubby of where his food comes from. ;)

If you don't have a cookie stamp, use a fork to press a crosshatch pattern on the top of the cookies- this looks pretty as well.

They store well in an airtight container and they're perfect to take on road trips and picnics because they transport easily.

Having everyone at home over the holidays means I spend more time in the kitchen, so I like to bake recipes like the Custard Creams because they're quick and easy and don't create too much mess - I'd rather spend time with my people! 

If you would like to bake a batch of these delicious Custard Creams, simply click on the link to download the recipe card or right click on the photo below and save it to your computer.

I hope you enjoy these Custard Creams. Nothing tastes better than homemade, and these biscuits will delight your family without you spending too much time in the kitchen!



Happy baking :)


  1. kaylandreth@gmail.comJanuary 27, 2023 at 12:11 PM

    Hi, loved each of your creative ideas. Thank you. Massachusetts, USA, here.

    1. You're welcome Kayla. I hope you find them useful :)


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