I have a yummy recipe for you today and I think we can all agree that everything is perfect in miniature. I made a batch of these for Cohen's class Christmas party and they were such a hit that I thought I would share them with you. Here's my Peppermint Brownie Bites:
I'm the only family member who's not a huge peppermint fan but I do love these brownie bites. There's just enough peppermint flavour in the buttercream to appeal to my taste buds and teamed with those delicious, gooey brownies its a perfect match.
They not only taste delicious but they look so pretty and they are a simple and yummy way to enjoy a traditional Christmas flavour.
Cooked in those cute little cupcake liners the recipe yields about 24 Brownie Bites, so they are great for family gatherings or for those times when you need to send a share plate to work or school.
You could get all creative and sprinkle them with crushed candy canes or peppermints but I like them just like this and I think they have the right amount of flavour. Plus I was seriously tired when I made this batch and that was as creative as I was going to get :)
My Brownie recipe is quite basic but you could add some chocolate chips or walnuts to make them special. Simple recipes are often the best because you can play around with them and make them your own, adding all the extra touches that you enjoy.
Keep this recipe in your files and flavour your buttercream to suit different occasions. They are also yummy with orange buttercream and they are divine with a raspberry buttercream as well which is perfect for Valentine's day :)
I prefer my Brownies fudgy so I cook these for around 12-14 minutes but everyone's oven is different so keep a close eye on them while they are cooking. You don't want to overcook them and you want those centres still slightly gooey and delicious. Give them a little longer if you prefer a more cake textured brownie.
If you would like to give my Peppermint Brownie Bites a try, you can download the recipe by clicking the link or right click on the image below and save to your computer for later:
I'm looking forward to actually sewing later today but I don't want to mess up my new room, its all so clean and tidy :) I might just sit in it.....and admire it for just a little bit longer :)
Happy baking :)

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