Celeste is sewn from the stunning Blush fabrics I showed you last week, and I think they really make her shine. This five point star is a fully paper pieced pattern and it would look gorgeous in any colour or fabric combination - whether its cute Christmas prints or fabric that works with your Christmas colour theme, your mini will be stunning.
I really love the super sweet centre star. Although its nestled amid those gorgeous scrappy star points, it still manages to grab your attention and shine brightly in the design. Its such a pretty pattern and I'm sure your going to enjoying sewing this mini as much as I did.
I decided to give you more choice for this pattern, and include templates for three sizes - a 10", 12" and 14" square mini quilt. There's only a small difference between the sizes but you can pick and choose which size best suits your needs.
My Celeste is a 12" square mini quilt and the pattern instructions are written accordingly but all sizes go together in exactly the same manner, and you just need to remember that the finishing sizes will vary.
My binding fabric is from my scrap bins. I'm trying to ration my FQ bundle of Blush for all my Christmas projects and this fabric matched so well. I have enough of it to keep all my Christmas projects consistent and it adds a little love to this quilt. ♥
I did quilt Celeste with the serpentine stitch and this time I used a tighter tension to give it smaller more defined curves. It did pucker a little but it was worth experimenting with and seeing the different effect it created.
The Celeste PDF pattern comes complete with full sized templates for each of the three sizes and a colouring sheet to help you plan your colours and fabrics prior to sewing. There's also optional instructions for adding a hanging sleeve or corner hangers to display your Celeste mini quilt this Christmas.
As a new addition, I've also included fabric swatches in the project requirements and the name of the print so you can purchase or find the exact fabrics I have used. My diagrams will now also include fabric instead of the solid colour suggestions I've used in the past to help you with your fabric placement.
If you would like to sew your own Celeste mini quilt, from today until the end of November 2018 PDF patterns are available at the introductory price of $4.95 (AU) in my Big Cartel shop HERE.
If you prefer an instant download, patterns are also available in my Etsy shop HERE.
And I also have your free November 2018 Calendar featuring the gorgeous Celeste:
To download and print your calendar just visit HERE. I'm doing something a little different with next years calendars which is exciting. I can't wait to show you!
I hope Celeste brings a little sparkle and shine to your Christmas decorating this year. She's a fun little mini quilt to sew and a lovely twist on a five point star.
Happy quilting :)

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