Scrappy Postage Stamp Quilt (Part Two)

Long-term projects allow you to slow down and create with intention. Last year I took the plunge and started a Scrappy Postage Stamp Quilt and today I'm sharing my progress!

Last year I was inspired to start a Scrappy Postage Stamp Quilt after seeing Amber's (Gigi's Thimble) stunning quilt and today I thought I'd update you with my progress.

Long-term projects allow you to slow down and create with intention. There's no imminent finish date, reducing the pressure of churning out a project and it's a way to help you reconnect with the slow and steady rhythm of our craft.

Although I had no expectations of finishing this quilt in 2023, my progress wasn't as impressive as I had hoped.

2023 was another tumultuous year for some of my family, so sewing time was very limited as they needed extra love and support. When I did find a day to myself, I lacked motivation, and spent the day procrastinating. 

Despite the hurdles of life, my block tally did reach:

24/81 - 9" (finished) blocks 

I have almost enough for three 3 x 3 (27" finished) blocks as photographed at the beginning of the post - essentially 1/3 of the quilt.

At the beginning of 2023, I kept everything on my cutting table so I could sew a few squares or rows together whenever I had time. This worked for a while and then it was put back in the cupboard and abandoned.

Once I sewed together one 3 x 3 square, my motivation was reignited, and I did add to it when time allowed.

Because it's a long-term project, I have to remember that any progress is progress and look ahead to a new year of sewing and adding to my tally.

On the positive side, I still haven't used a pin for this quilt. I'm finger holding the seams as I sew and while it still feels unnatural to me, especially when joining the larger blocks, I am improving. 

Are all the seams butted together perfectly? Absolutely not! But I can live with a few imperfections.

I'm still being deliberately scrappy with the placement of the coloured squares. I struggle with letting go and trusting two fabrics won't be next to each other, so I cut and arrange squares to avoid this issue - I'm a control freak!

I've hardly made a dent in my Bonnie and Camille scrap fabrics. This one bin was full of odd pieces I'd used in other projects, and it doesn't seem to be emptying - makes me wonder just how many quilts you can make from all your scrap bins!

I love that this quilt is a collection of all the B&C fabrics I've collected and sewn with over the years. It tells a story of my quilting journey and sometimes the smallest scrap of fabric I couldn't bear to throw away, finds a new home.

I'm looking forward to adding more blocks to this quilt in 2024 and even if it's slow progress I plan on celebrating the achievement.

I hope my Scrappy Postage Stamp Quilt journey inspires you to start a long-term project of your own. Allow yourself the time to create without pressure and maybe try something that is out of your comfort zone - there's fun to be had beyond our own limitations!

If you need ideas or inspiration for long-term projects, this week's Week Ending post has got you covered. I found some gorgeous quilt and crochet projects to motivate you and I can't wait to share them with you on Sunday!


Happy quilting :)


  1. This is very cute! I love the scrappines of it. I agree, the scraps still keep accumulating, but, of course, they just can't be tossed. A project like this allows you to enjoy the extra small pieces.

    1. I love that I can find forever homes for some of my tiny scraps Danette. There are some very old fabric lines in my bins and now they can shine in this gorgeous quilt :)


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